Ariaban Essence

By Agri Farm

Fodder is the basic food for horses, whatever the quantity. Colts start very early on to taste grass and hay, imitating their dam. So fodder is an irreplaceable food. But this term is used also for all types of grass, eaten fresh or preserved in some way – indeed sometimes fodder indicates any fibrous food. As our horse relies on us for a correct supply of food, it is always very useful to know the key characteristics of the various types of forage available.

Below is a short guide to the various types of fibrous foods that can be given to horses: grazing grass, hay, ensiled foodstuff, straw, molichaff, artificially dried grass, enriched forage and complete foods.

Hay can be cut up in smaller or larger pieces. Sometimes, this products might be enriched with molasses, a thick, brown and sticky liquid sub product of sugar resulting from the processing of sugar beet.

Adding molasses gives hay a brownish color and makes it more palatable for the horse, reduces the dust content, increases slightly the nutritional value especially in terms of ready-to-use energy. The protein, mineral or vitamin values remain unchanged, unless special vitamin combinations have not been added before.

Molichaff, being cut up (sometimes in more or less large cubes) takes up less space than hay, even if the weight remain the same, and therefore it can be transported more easily. In addition to that, their composition usually remains constant, as guaranteed by the label attached to the packs. Horses normally like these products very much and eat them eagerly, but their consumption times are clearly shorter than those with hay. The quantity to be fed should be slightly less than when giving them hay.

About the Author

Agri Farm Go to the author's page

Agrifarm started its business in 1993 in Vigone, a family-run business that occupies an area of ​​10,000 square meters, They find in their spaces: sheds, silos, warehouses, two dryers, the mill, premises used for production, sale, storage, to the laboratory and offices.

Thanks to the experience gained in the field, they put theirselves at the service of farmers with passion and determination with innovative products that can support modern agriculture.

Their goal is to continue to act as a link between the needs of the various agricultural realities and to guarantee safety and quality from seed to table.

Customer satisfaction combined with trust and mutual esteem is a central part of the company philosophy.
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